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End of Journey? 6 Signs You Should Say Goodbye to Your Car

Urban Blog Cars presents: signs it’s time to say goodbye to your car!

Cars are a necessity nowadays, depending on the place you live in and how much you need them daily, but they’re not cheap. If you have had a vehicle for a long time now and you’re not so certain about keeping it any longer, this article is for you.

How do you know when it’s time to say goodbye to your car, when you get so attached to it, and when it serves you all the time? I had an ant who got her license when she was almost 50 years old. She was so excited about finally being able to drive everyone and not wait for my uncle to help her run errands that she just didn’t care that the car she started driving was a mess.

It was a 20-year-old car whose engine made a terrible noise, it was uncomfortable, the wheel was difficult to move, it didn’t have a tachometer, the cargo space was almost inexistent, it wasn’t fast at all, but it was hers, and she was more than happy to drive it.

She used the old car for roughly 3 years, and when the repairs started to get more and more expensive (more than the car’s worth), she finally accepted that it was time to part ways with her beloved vehicle and welcome a new one into her life.

Her story got me thinking: What about you? How do you know it’s time to say goodbye to your car? I know it’s never an easy choice to do so, but read this article, and let’s find the answer to this tough question together.

say goodbye to your car
Photo by ShotPrime Studio from

1. Safety is a big issue

Regardless of your financial situation, safety is the most important factor when it comes to selling an old car. If you’re scared to drive it because it puts yourself and other traffic participants in danger, you can be certain that it’s time to say goodbye to your car.

While scratches and a broken clutch can be fixed one way or another, severe problems that make your vehicle a threat on wheels shouldn’t be neglected.

Rust, for instance, can harm necessary parts such as the brake and gasoline lines, the gas tank, and the frame itself. Car experts say that sometimes it’s impossible to maintain extensive rust, so if that’s your case, think about how much patience, time, and money you have to support this issue.

If car maintenance is expensive and you can’t support them any longer, it’s a clear sign that you should say goodbye to your car. You can always find something that fits your budget; you just have to be patient and look for the right vehicle for your needs.

Another thing to keep in mind is that a newer car probably has safety features that older models don’t have. For instance, modern automobiles are designed to crumple on contact, which is a good thing in case of an impact on a pedestrian. I know that you don’t want to hear something so terrible, but it’s better to be prepared.

Some people believe that cars were built better before because they were as strong and unbreakable as tanks. But what’s amazing is that these crumple zones we’ve previously mentioned are meant to protect passengers by absorbing the energy of an impact.

Moreover, there are many other extra safety features added to modern cars, such as tire pressure sensors, electronic stability control, blind-spot monitoring, rear and front cameras, parking sensors, and automated forward braking.

2. Repairs are more expensive than your vehicle

If your vehicle always needs repairs and is constantly in service, that’s already a reason why you should keep it. But if those repairs are costing you more than your automobile’s value, this is a clear sign you should say goodbye to your car.

As vehicle experts say, before spending a ton of money on repairs, you should ask yourself if that repair will add to or support the vehicle’s current value.

However, it’s not that easy. Purchasing a new automobile, or even an older vehicle that is new to you, comes with several costs, including taxes, higher insurance rates, and loan payments.

There’s also no assurance that the newer vehicle will not have issues of its own. This decision depends from one owner to another, because while some might call it quits and look for a new car, others will prefer to pay for those repairs rather than purchase a new vehicle and do everything all over again. At the end of the day, regardless of what car you have, basic maintenance like tires, brakes, and oil changes will still be required.

Can you think of any other signs it’s time to say goodbye to your car?

say goodbye to your car
Photo by guruXOX from

3. You can’t find the needed parts for repairs

The availability of parts should be a major decision when it comes to upgrading your vehicle. If the model of your vehicle is out of production, components can become scarce shortly. According to experts, they might even be discontinued, so that might be a reason to think about whether you want to say goodbye to your car or not.

You can always search the Internet for the much-needed parts, and you can postpone the inevitable, but there’s always the possibility that you won’t be able to get what you need.

If that situation happens a lot, it might be time to say goodbye to your car and look for a new one at a reasonable price instead of paying a ton of money for pieces that are hard to find.

Whether you want to say goodbye to your car or not, make sure you always keep it clean. Here’s a great and affordable kit that will help you keep your vehicle nice and shiny!

4. Your vehicle isn’t reliable

It doesn’t matter how much you love your vehicle; if you can’t rely on it, it’s a clear sign you should say goodbye to it. If you constantly have problems with your automobile, especially when you’re out and about, and you have to move to the site of the road and wait for a tow truck or call someone to help you get where you need to because your car has another problem, it’s time to make some changes.

If your vehicle is always problematic and repairs are needed more often than before, you’d better decide what you want to do with it. You’ll eventually get sick of constantly taking it for repairs and paying lots of money for it. So, what do you want to do in a situation like this? Are you ready to say goodbye to your car?

say goodbye to your car
Photo by TSViPhoto from

5. You don’t drive it enough

Here’s one of the most important reasons you should say goodbye to your car: you just don’t drive it enough. Regardless of how much money you spend on your vehicle or not, or any other problems you might have, if it’s not used, it can cause you issues.

You surely know that if you leave your vehicle in your parking lot for weeks and weeks and you use it only for a short errand that lasts only a couple of minutes, chances are that you don’t actually need your vehicle.

So think about all the reasons you want to be the owner of a car, because just like with everything else in life, you need your things to serve a purpose. So, what do you think? Is it time to say goodbye to your car or not? Leave a comment down below and let us know!

If you enjoyed reading this article about signs that it’s time to say goodbye to your car, make sure you also check out this one: 8 Red Flags About Airport Car Rentals

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