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7 Important Things You Shouldn’t Do in Your Car (but You Do)

These are the things you shouldn’t do in your car (but you do)!

We use our cars for so much more than going on trips, work, or running errands. Your vehicle is probably one of your biggest investments, so you want to get the most use out of it, right?

If you’ve watched people on YouTube, you know that they film music videos in their vehicles, they do carpool karaoke, they eat and film vlogs, they have therapy sessions and life chats, and so many other things.

However, since your automobile is such an important part of your life, are there any things you shouldn’t do in your car? Yes. Even though you might say that you’re the owner of that vehicle, so you get to choose what to do in and with it, the law forbids particular actions.

So without further ado, let’s talk about all the things you shouldn’t do in your car (but you do)!

things you shouldn't do in your car
Photo by AboutLife from

1. Smoking

Oh, well, your car is your business, right? I’m sure you know about all the health risks that you put yourself in if you smoke. While there’s no law saying that you shouldn’t enjoy a cigarette in the comfort of your own vehicle, healthcare experts advise that you shouldn’t.

The reason they say that is because even after just half a cigarette burns in a car, the quality of the air in the vehicle can be ten times higher than what the US Environmental Protection Agency considers harmful.

Moreover, smoking in a closed space increases third-hand smoke exposure, which is even more dangerous for your health. According to doctors, when people sit in a vehicle that has been smoked in, the nicotine and other pollutants that have been emitted into the air can get on their skin and mouth.

If you want to protect your health and keep those you love safe, consider smoking one of the things you shouldn’t do in your car!

2. Driving without shoes on

I’ve seen many people drive without shoes on, saying that they can’t feel the vehicle pedal with particular shoes. While it’s not the worst thing you could do, it isn’t a smart idea either.

For instance, you might be nervous and notice that your feet start to sweat, causing issues when pushing the pedal. Or you might not break very hard, and you can’t apply the same force as you would with a shoe on.

Did you know that driving without shoes on is one of the things you shouldn’t do in your car? This rule is so important in some parts of the world that a driver can get a ticket if they are pulled over by the police while driving barefoot.

things you shouldn't do in your car
Photo by PV productions from

3. Having your seat far back

If you have your seat far back, I’m sorry to disappoint you, but this is one of the things you shouldn’t do in your car. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen lots of people, particularly young individuals, have their seats so far back that you can barely see their heads.

While it’s best for every driver to find their comfortable driving position so that they control the vehicles and be responsible, you might not have the same control if your seat is too far from the while or the shifting gear, in case you have a stick.

Besides having a hard time reaching the pedals and reacting quickly to situations on the road, you might need to control the wipers, lights, radio, or any other system, and it might not be easy if you’re seated too far back.

4. Doing intimate activities

I know that being intimate with your loved one in the car is a steamy experience that can make you both feel good. While the thrill of getting caught can increase feelings and the room temperature, some states could punish you for your romantic episode.

A love session similar to what Rose and Jack had in that 1912 Renault Type CB Coupé de Ville in the “Titanic” movie could result in anything from community service, probation, a fine, or even jail time. This rule applies to both doing things on a parked car and one that’s in traffic.

Intimacy is one of the most important things you shouldn’t do in your car, especially if you or your partner are driving it at that moment. It can be a pleasant experience, but it can be dangerous for you as well as for other drivers.

5. Using headphones

Using headphones is one of the most important things you shouldn’t do in your car. While not a lot of people have headphones when they drive, these cases are more common than you might think, and they can cause severe problems.

Listening to music during long road trips or when running errands is never a problem, as it can keep you alert and focused, but putting your headphones on can become a major problem, especially since they filter out other noises more than the car’s speakers.

What are your thoughts on these things you shouldn’t do in your car?

6. Putting your feet on the dashboard

I’ve seen lots of people doing this, especially during long road trips: passengers who put their feet on the dashboard. In my opinion, it looks terrible from the driver’s seat as well as from the car in front; not to mention, it is incredibly dangerous.

There are many things you shouldn’t do in your car, and this one is one of the most important ones. According to an accident report from Georgia, a couple was involved in an automobile accident in which the passenger’s feet were on the dashboard. She broke both of her legs in multiple places and advised others not to make the same mistake.

Just imagine how big an impact can be in case you bump into another car or you have to break really hard to avoid something at the last minute. The passenger can fall, and the seatbelt could suffocate them. Follow the rules, and you’ll be good.

things you shouldn't do in your car
Photo by GOLFX from

7. Legs crossed and cruise control

We continue with these things you shouldn’t do in your car, and this time we’ll talk about drivers. I know that cruise control can be an incredible tool, especially if you’re on the highway. You don’t have to make any turns or anything that requires your intervention.

However, while this can help you relax for a moment, it doesn’t mean that you should put your feet out on the window, cross your legs, talk on the phone, or take your hands off the wheel because it can be very dangerous.

I once watched a girl on YouTube who drove a Tesla, and she was talking to the camera, taking her hands off the wheel, and sitting with her legs crossed. I was nervous only when watching her, so staying weirdly in the car seat can cause you serious trouble, so take care of yourself.

If you want to take care of your car and make it look bright and shiny, here’s an amazing toolkit to help you clean your vehicle.

8. Storing irrelevant items

Some people consider their vehicles second homes, but it doesn’t mean your automobile should act like a storage unit. If you store lots of things in the back of your car, you might not be able to properly see the rear window. You don’t want any additional dangerous blind spots, because you always need to see the car behind you so that you can be safe.

Moreover, in case of an accident or an emergency, anything that’s not bolted down could simply move around your vehicle and injure someone. And not to mention, if you leave important items in plain sight, your car could easily be a target for theft.

Do you know any other things you shouldn’t do in your car? Let us know in the comments below! If you want to read something else from Urban Cars Blog, here’s another great article for you: 10 US Cities With the Highest Car Insurance Rates

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