Are you looking for an affordable car? AVOID buying a second-hand BMW!
Buying a new car is complex and not simple at all, especially when you want to purchase it from a luxury brand like BMW. Purchasing an expensive car requires financial resources. Even though you are considering buying a second-hand BMW, the prices will still be significantly high. So, the best option is to stay away from this brand. However, its reputation has deteriorated more and more in recent years.
Are you wondering what the reason was for the brand’s loss of reputation? Continue reading to find out.

Is buying a used BMW really that bad of an idea? Below, you can find the 12 reasons why you should NEVER purchase one explained:
1. Old BMWs are not a great idea for daily drivers
For example, using an old BMW 7 daily will cost you more than you can even imagine. Even if you can find the car for under $10,000, you will pay a higher amount than that yearly just for maintenance and insurance. Service experts don’t recommend you buy the old and cheap BMW models.
2. Not all the old BMWs can be considered treasures
There are indeed some special BMW models that are valuable and are also good for daily use. The problem is that without a professional, you’ll never know which car can be considered a treasure and which can represent just a waste of money. So, it’s all about how lucky you are.
3. Are you an inexperienced driver? Don’t buy a BMW
Inexperienced drivers usually tend to dream about luxurious cars. The idea of owning a BMW sounds great to a lot of people, but before making the wrong decision, be sure that you know what a luxury car requires for maintenance.
Also, inexperienced drivers tend to do the work and solve the problem by themselves if the car has an issue. So, would you really want to buy such a car?

4. The brand is selling too many models
By selling various models, the brand loses customers’s interest. Because, seriously now, who can make perfect cars for every kind of consumer category? BMW should focus on making a few great cars instead of making a bunch of bad ones. They have great potential to remain at the top of the luxury brands, so extending isn’t a great idea for them.
5. Jerks usually drive BMWs
Research has found that the owners of BMW are usually men aged between 35 and 45 years old. So, taking this into consideration, we can conclude that most of them don’t take care of their cars. Young men are known for their speed and behavior in traffic. You 100% wouldn’t love a car that was once owned by an irresponsible “jerk”.
6. BMW makes more money selling parts
In the past few years appeared in the public place more and more reviews about the new BMW models. Most of the comments sound like this: “Every BMW I had from 1996 to 2004 was brilliant (…) post-2006 something happened to the brand (…) things break way more frequently than last years and the cost of the parts skyrocketed.”.
The conspiracy theory says that BMW makes much more money from the repair process, compared to how much they make by selling new cars.
7. Is BMW using cheaper parts on purpose?
There were multiple times reported “sneaky costs”. Customers believe that BMW is using cheaper parts on purpose. The brand makes a lot of money by repairing the problem pieces, so it’s a strategy they use to keep their profits high. Considering all these opinions, we don’t think you’ll love a BMW that has already been in service multiple times and doesn’t have its original pieces anymore.
8. Reliability issues
Even though the brand has well-documented reliability issues, it doesn’t make any improvements, and everyone wonders why. According to consumer reports, the last time BMW scored above average was in 2007. Additionally, BMWs are more likely to be off the road after four to eight years. It’s clear that the brand is aware of the existing problems, but they don’t want to get things improved.

9. Does BMW stand for “Break My Wallet?”
Since the brand became famous for its never-ending problems, the joke “Break My Wallet” is often used. Despite the fact that BMW lost most of its fans, it’s still considered one of the most luxurious and successful brands on the market. But be careful! BMW’s profit comes from all the problems the brand is solving after the main purchase. The money isn’t made all at once by the brand. When you have a BMW, you keep going back to the service, thinking that it will be the last time.
10. The thing is just worn out
Older BMWs are not factory-fresh and that good anymore. However, if you want to buy an old and classic model and restore it, it would be a better idea than buying a late-model BMW that will 100% have more than its fair share of issues. Compared to the new BMWs, at least the old ones are a lot of fun to drive.
11. Read the signs!
Someone posted a sign they’d spotted at an auto service on a forum. It read: “Toyota repairs $40/hour, BMW repairs $65/hour. “Since that post went viral, auto repair prices have increased drastically. When driving a Bimmer, this is the service upcharge you need to pay for. Consider that the prices for repairs can easily escalate into the thousands.
12. Electrical problems
BMWs face a lot of electrical problems. The problem is that these are not caused by modern gadgets; even the basics are not working right. They deal with all kinds of problems, such as the power of windows and batteries, which mysteriously stop and restart working multiple times while driving.
Did we manage to convince you not to buy a second-hand BMW? Let us know in the comment section if you have had any bad experiences with second-hand cars, no matter their brand. If you could, would you buy a used car again?
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